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北京微杂院 ZAOstandardarchitecture


来自事务所的描述。茶儿胡同(茶叶胡同)是嘈杂大栅栏地区中一个安静的地方,距离在市中心的天安门广场一公里, 茶儿胡同8号是典型的“大杂院”(大杂乱,庭院),曾有超过十几户人家在此居住。在过去的五十年里每个家庭在院子里建造了属于自己的附加小厨房。这些特殊密度形成的附加结构通常被视为城市的废料,在过去几年的整治措施中,这些构造几乎都被自动消灭了。

From the architect. Cha’er Hutong (hutong of tea) is a quiet spot among the busy Dashilar area, situated one kilometre from Tiananmen Square in the city centre. No.8 Cha’er Hutong is a typical “Da-Za-Yuan” (big-messy-courtyard) once occupied by over a dozen families. Over the past five decades each family built a small add-on kitchen in the courtyard. These add-on structures form a special density that is usually considered as urban scrap and almost all of them have been automatically wiped out with the renovation practices of the past years.


In this project the architects tried to redesign, renovate and re-use the informal add-on structures instead of eliminating them. In doing so, they intend to recognize the add-on structures as an important historical layer and as a critical embodiment of Beijing’s contemporary civil life in hutongs that has so often been overlooked.


In symbiosis with the families who still live in the courtyard, a nine-square-metre children’s library built of plywood was inserted underneath the pitched roof of an existing building. Under a big ash tree, one of the former kitchens was redesigned into a six-square-metre mini art space made from traditional bluish grey brick. On its exterior, a trail of brick stairs leads up to the roof, where one may delve into the branches and foliage of the ash tree. With the small-scale intervention in the Cha’er Hutong courtyard, the architects try to strengthen bonds between communities, as well as to enrich the hutong life of local residents. A child may stop by after school, pick out a favourite book, and read in his little niche before getting picked up by the parents. Or the kids may climb up onto the roof, sit in the shade, and engage in a cosy conversation with the elderly in a familiar but new space.

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