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[數字光影] New Temple

闻音 發表於 2023-10-30 18:00:23 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 闻音 於 2023-10-30 18:02 編輯

New Temple
-Immersive experience-

From the cyclical time of ancient cultures to the linear time of modern societies, time is a fundamental concept that has been interpreted in countless ways throughout history.

This exhibition uses various techniques and technologies to create a deeply meditative experience that connects
visitors with the natural world and the symbolism of time. Diverse interactive experiences allow the spectators to explore the exhibition at their own pace.

The new exhibition of studio Phormatik “New Temple”invites visitors to contemplate images and symbols as a link between human and nature, encouraging them to reflect on the relationship between spirituality and
technology. By creating a bridge between these seemingly disparate elements, the exhibition offers a
profoundly transformative experience that provokes reflection on our own relationship with time and nature. This experience can also serve as a reminder that technology is not inherently opposed to spirituality, but rather can be used to deepen our understanding and connection with the divine.

“…for Buddhists, Time is composed of a continuous, continuous flow (samtâna), and because of the fact that it flows, any ‘form’ manifested in it is not only fleeting, but also ontologically unreal.” Images and Symbols, 1952

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